Two-Part ImportOmatic Basics Training Series
November 12th-13th | 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM ET


In this two-part ImportOmatic training series, an Omatic Consultant and Instructor will provide training and insights into the key components of ImportOmatic. Each session will provide approximately two hours’ worth of content with the remaining time allocated for questions from users.

Session 1: ImportOmatic Preparation and Profile Creation

  • Reviewing the data file
  • Preparation and review of an import file
  • What to look out for and how to avoid potential data file issues
  • An overview of core profile functions in ImportOmatic related to the data review
  • Profile Creations

Session 2: Import Processing & Exception Review

  • Common profile configurations
  • How to process files then make updates based on exceptions
  • How to update and review records throughout the import process
  • Common Error/and Exceptions and how to manage them
*ImportOmatic Basics Series Prerequisite: Attendees must have ImportOmatic installed at their current organization and must have had some experience working with the product. This training focuses on general functionality and the organization’s specific processes for using the product should be reviewed before attending the training.
**Register for a special package price of $349. This training is FREE with the Omatic Training Pass.

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